Slippery Rock University
Link-to-Learn Information Technology Workforce Development

Summer Information Technology Workshop

The Slippery Rock University Summer Information Technology Workshop had been presented in the summers of 2000 and 2001. It is not expected to be repeated any time soon. Elements of interest are still maintained in this Web page in the hope that they may be of interest to someone. In particular, note the links to Python resources, including programs and documentation that may be downloaded.

High school students and teachers accepted for this workshop will gain intensive experience in exciting areas of information technology under the leadership of members of Slippery Rock University's Computer Science Department. Participants will be introduced to Worldwide Web Programming using the Javascript programming language and graphical programming using the Python programming language. Enrollment will be limited so that there will be one computer workstation for each participant.

Purpose: Talented high school students frequently have found courses covering word-processing and web-page creation somewhat easy and unfulfilling. In contrast, such students often find a real challenge in computer programming. This workshop is designed to acquaint academic students with computer programming in a modern context, with the hope that more will consider pursuing a college education, and ultimately a career, in the Information Technology field.

Faculty and Program: Instructors will be professors in Slippery Rock University's Computer Science Department.

Participants will be taught Python programming. Python , when used with its TkInter GUI interface library, is a new programming language that simplifies creation of programs involving graphical user interfaces, such as for Microsoft Windows, the Macintosh, or the several desktop environments available under the Unix X-Windows system, such as Gnome or KDE. A significant advantage of Python programs is that the same program can be run under Windows, MacOS, or Linux, without modification.

You will be taught Javascript programming. Javascript programs can be embedded into WorldWide Web pages, to allow such things as animations and interactive data collection from the page.


Students: To be considered for acceptance to the workshop, students should be completing their freshman, sophomore, or junior years of high school. Since the workshop involves computer programming, some mathematical talent is necessary.

Teachers: Many teachers would like to know more about the information technology field, but haven't had the opportunity to learn. We hope to attract four teachers to this summer's workshop. You will enjoy the same computing experiences as the students do, in the hope that you will ultimately be able to teach elementary programming at your high school, interesting many more students in information technology than we can hope to reach directly through this workshop. We also wish to establish a lasting relationship with you and your school, so that you can use the SRU Computer Science Department as a resource.

Resources Created in/for the Summer, 2000 Workshop

Python Resources:
A Python quick-reference card, Ref_card.rtf (rich text format)

A TkInter quick-refernce card, tkinter_card.rtf (rich text format)

Python Game Programs:
Guess!: Guess the Number (command-line version)(temporarily unavailable)

Tk_guess: Guess the Number (GUI version)

Stop Me!: Try to press the stop button before it moves!

Blockade: How long can you last?

Hunt the Wumpus! A Python version of the classic text game from 101 BASIC Computer Games. This Python version is, IMHO, a good example of object-oriented programming.

Eliza, a text-mode program that simulates a Rogerian psychotherapist. Originally, I think, a Lisp program from Stanford University, this is a translation into Python of the version published in BASIC in Creative Computing magazine. It was also published in Creative Computing's More BASIC Computer Games. This Python version has enhanced punctuation and capitalization.

Banner, a text-mode program to print out banners with variable sized letters on pin-feed computer paper. I guess you could use sheet-feed paper and tape it together, too. Banner was originally written by Daniel Vernon of Butler, Pa., and "extensively modified" by Steve North of Creative Computing, for publication in 101 BASIC Computer Games. The only similarities between this program and the original in BASIC are the algorithm and 42 of the 65 lines of data.

Tk_banner is a version of the above program with a graphical user interface added. I am not sure that either version is completely ready for prime time. Your comments, bug fixes, and enhancements will be appreciated.

Adj_colors is a program to help find hex codes for colors. It is has a "Web-safe colors only" mode, too.

Date of last modification: January 25, 2002