Why should you come to Slippery Rock University to study Computing?

The following is the opinion of Prof. Conlon, and does not necessarily reflect the official opinions of Slippery Rock University.

You need to select your college both for its qualities as a college (since about 75% of your degree work will be outside your major) and on the basis of the qualities of your major department (since more of your degree work will be done there than anywhere else).

Why Slippery Rock University?

Why come to SRU to study Computing?

Why Slippery Rock University?

There are two kinds of college or university: teaching institutions and research institutions. Any institution which calls itself college is probably a teaching institution. Institutions which call themselves university are usually research institutions. Nonetheless, SRU is a teaching institution.

Research Institutions: These are places whose primary function is to perform research. This is a good thing--research is vital to our nation and our world. However, it is not necessarily a good thing for the undergraduate student (candidate for a bachelor's degree). In the broad sense, research includes teaching graduate students, doing any activity that creates new knowledge (especially if the results are published in professonal journals), and anything which results in outside funding being funneled into the university. Most research institutions emphasize the importance of teaching undergraduates in their public pronouncements. Often, however, they actually treat undergraduates merely as sources of tuition money who can be "taught" by inexperienced graduate assistants, while the professors perform their research and bring in external funding.

Teaching Institutions: These are places whose primary function is to deliver quality instruction to undergraduates.(SRU is such a place.) Research is still performed, but only professors who prepare their classes and teach effectively get tenure. Typically, the teaching load is too heavy for those who would rather do research than teach. Often such institutions don't need a "President's Award for Excellence in Teaching," because quality teaching is emphasized and recognized throughout the institution. Let me emphasize that you cannot do effective college teaching if you don't keep abreast of your field. Therefore, while teaching institutions do research, the reason for the research is to improve teaching--often, the research involves (rather than ignores) the undergraduate students.

Why come to SRU to study Computing?

While I offer you the above reasons to choose CS/IS/IT at SRU as a student, they are actually the same reasons that I chose to join the Computer Science faculty at Slippery Rock myself.

If I have convinced you to consider Slippery Rock University for Computer Science, Information Systems, or Information Technology, your next step is to visit our office of Admissions, or, for students from other countries, our International Initiatives office.

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