Linguistic Combinatorics

Semantics: language, expression, geometry, meaning, inference, taxonomy/proximity

Combinatorial Semantics:
  1. Verbs of Influence and Semantic Inference

    A verbed B to X


    E1=Barney taught the twins to swim.

    Primary inferences:
    At time E1, P(Barney knows how to swim) = high
    Before time E1, P(twins know how to swim)=low
    After time E1, P(twins know how to swim)=high

    Secondary inferences:
    At time E1, P(twins swam)= high
    At time E1, P(Barney enjoys swimming) = medium 
    Before time E1, P(twins enjoy swimming) = low (drowning)
    After time E1, P(twins enjoy swimming) = medium

    E2=Barney taught the twins to vacuum the house.
    Primary inferences unchanged: knowledge is prerequisite for teaching
    Secondary inferences: might be seen as affected by desirability or difficulty of activity.

    verb = Made

    E3=Mildred made Barney vacuum the house her way.
    Primary inferences
    At time E3, P(Mildred knows how to vacuum the house her way) = high
    At time E3, P(Barney vacuumed the house Mildred's way)=high

    Secondary inference:
    Before time E3, P(Barney knows how to vacuum the house Mildred's way) = medium

    E4=Barney stopped the twins from bickering.
    E5=Barney stopped the twins from playing.

    Primary inference:

    Before E{4,5} P(twins were verbing) = high
    After E{4,5} P(twins were verbing)=low

    P(twins wanted to Verb)
    P (Barney wanted twins to Verb)
    P (twins wanted to Verb)
    are affected by P(Verb is desirable to participants and  observers)

    Verb= helped
    E=Mildred helped the twins get down from the tree
    E=Mildred helped
  2. simple semantics of words
  3. Word co-occurrence
                     housedog c dog ; doghouse c house. black birdhouse != blackbird house
  4. Semantic primitives 
    Recent work at MIT, older work, theorem
  5. Taxonomy -- what do Dewey Decimal, Library of Congress and the Mongolian classification system have in common?
  6. geometric inference (physical intuition, mechanical aptitude, building, contingency)