Rectangles, Circles and Tangents Archimedes,
Apollonius, Voronoi, Kuratowski and the
Enumerating different box
geometries (table editors)
Rectangles with
adjacencies forming the graph W5
![Realizable geometries: planar and rectangular](illus/graphs.png)
Realizable geometries: planar and rectangular
![Five different ways that lines can be tangent to circles](illus/tangents.png)
Five different ways that lines can be tangent to circles
![Showing ephemal points in the construction of lines tangent to two circles](illus/Ephemera.png)
Showing ephemal points in the construction of lines tangent to two circles
Or view demonstration: draw two circles and turn on "ephemera."
Circles of Apollonius
Arrangements of Lines
Lines tangent to two ellipses? (extra credit for doing it in SVG and JavaScript)
Graph theory of line arrangments, of tangential line arrangments, and Voronoi diagrams?? (extra extra credit)