Replicating randomized shapes

Randomizing in the realm between d attributes:

replicated random triangles
<random attributeName="d"  
min="M 146,204 200,164  80, 0 z"
max="M 200,204 250,164 300,200 z" />
Replicated random triangles -- layed out using horizontal translation

Triangles are triangles, but quadrilaterals (and higher n-gons) may have crossing lines.

Controlling paths by restricting certain nodes:

Random city
<svgr:random  attributeName="d" 
min="M 100,200 100,100 150,-20 200,100 200,200 z"
max="M 100,200 100,100 150, 80 200,100 200,200 z" />
random medieval town at

random city with clouds
<svgr:random         min="M  175,200 100,200 100,130 H 120 L 140, 90  155, 90  180, 50 205, 90 H 230 L 280, 90 360,130 360 200 z"
   attributeName="d" max="M  175,200 100,200 100,190 H 120 L 140,160  155,160  180,120 205,160 H 260 L 340,170 360,190 360 200 z" />
<svgr:random attributeName="fill" min="hsl(20, 5%, 15%)" max="hsl(200, 30%, 35%)" /> which in additon to using HSL instead of RGB,
foreground clouds
<svgr:random           attributeName="d"
    min="M  0,0 A 130  5 0 0 1  300,0 "
    max="M  0,0 A 300 20 0 0 1 1000,0 " />
Random trees over random hillocks slightly displaced from grid points and given perspective.    

This example illustrates some of the relative difficulty in controlling paths randomly. The tree template is controlled by
<svgr:random         min="M  0,0 v -45 l -40,-50 h -20 v -4 h 15 v -22 h 5 v12 L 0,-50 v -70 h 5 v 30 L 5 -44  35,-74 l-30,-30 v-20 h5 v 20 L 38,-82 l 20,-20 -20,-20 3,-3 20,20 v-20 h4 v20 L 25,-40 25,0 z"
   attributeName="d" max="M  0,0 v -35 l -10,-20 h -15 v -4 h 17 v -12 h 6 v12 L 0,-50 v -30 h 5 v 45 L 16 -40  35,-74 l-10,-10 v-20 h5 v 20 L 38,-82 l 20,-20 -20,-20 3,-3 20,20 v-20 h4 v20 L 25,-40 25,0 z " />

This is tedious and not very effective since, in order to have the branches not become triangular,

 Perhaps our next project will be to undertake more complex syntactic studies of path subcommands, that would work nicely in combination with <random> and <replicate>.