A thirteen sided hedron out of five squares and eight triangles.

I was playing with Zax (see here and here)  and came up with this funny thing: eight triangles and five squares hooked to make a thirteen sided hedron (which I gather would be called a tridecahedron).

Eight triangles and five squares in a convex polyhedron
rotating version of 13-sided hedron
Picture of the hedron made with Zax Drawing of the hedronAnimated version

I went looking here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_small_polyhedra_by_vertex_count 
And here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_uniform_polyhedra
And I didn't find it.

And then someone recommended that I look here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_solid
(which is a pretty fun collection)

And I even went to the 1966 source for much of this Convex Polyhedra with Regular Faces by Norman W. Johnson,

I still don't see it, despite, the apparent existence of a theorem proving that Johnson's list of 92 Johnson solids is complete. Hmmm.... I wonder what I'm not seeing.

Here's what it looks like flattened out:
flattened 13 sided hedron