Math 210 - Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
-- Spring 2025 Daily Assignments and Tasks
- My teaching style is very adaptive, so I only post class assignments and tasks as we become ready to cover that material.
- These are labeled Preliminary before class.
- AFTER class, I adjust the list to accommodate for any flexing we did DURING class that day, and mark the listing Confirmed.
Listings go in order of most RECENT date on top.
- Confirmed From Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025 - Algebra for Teachers: Algebraic Expressions and Equations
- Study your notes and Activity #6, Problem #1 only.
- Read/watch
- RP 7 (Algebra for Teachers: Variables) is open in D2L Quizzes:
- DUE at the 50% level by 2pm THURSDAY (Feb. 13) to earn your Basic Competency score
- DUE at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Feb. 17) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular RP 4-pt score on it.
- Extra, NON-required practice, useful for exam prep: (these are NEVER turned in - they are NOT for a grade)
- Weekly Assessment #3 is due in class today.
- There is no Weekly Assessment due next week (Tues., Feb. 18).
- Exam #1 is NEXT Thursday, Feb. 20. (Link is live and opens Topics/Objectives list.)
- Confirmed From Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025 - Algebra for Teachers: Order of Operations; Arithmetic Properties
- Study your notes and Summary #2.
- Read:
- (Order of Operations) Section 3-5: "Order of Operations" on p.173
- (Properties) Section 3-2: pp.103-104
- (Properties) Section 3-4: pp.144-mid 146
- RP 6 (Algebra for Teachers: O of O, Properties) is open in D2L Quizzes:
- DUE at the 50% level by 2pm MONDAY (Feb. 10) to earn your Basic Competency score
- DUE at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Feb. 10) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular RP 4-pt score on it.
- Extra, NON-required practice, useful for exam prep: (these are NEVER turned in - they are NOT for a grade)
- Weekly Assessment #3 is due in class next TUESDAY, Feb. 11.
- Confirmed From Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025 - Sequences: Distant Terms
- Study your notes.
- There is no new supporting reading.
- It may be helpful to reread last Thursday's items.
- Remember: we are deliberately avoiding algebra in these tasks.
- Instead, we are focusing on deeply using Grades 3-4 meanings of multiplication and division.
- RP 5 (Sequences: Distant Terms) is open in D2L Quizzes:
- DUE at the 50% level by 2pm THURSDAY (Feb. 6) to earn your Basic Competency score
- DUE at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Feb. 10) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular RP 4-pt score on it.
- Extra, NON-required practice, useful for exam prep: (these are NEVER turned in - they are NOT for a grade)
- Weekly Assessment #2 is due in class TODAY.
- Confirmed For Thursday, Jan. 30, 2025 - Sequences: Intro and Terminology
- Study your notes and ...
- Peer solutions to the Reverse Sequence Activity I gave last year
- They are posted in the D2L Content solutions submodule ("Solutions to Selected Activities").
- I have included extra explanations and helps beyond what the students themselves wrote.
- Read these portions of Section 1-2:
- RP 4 (Sequence Basics) is open in D2L Quizzes:
- DUE at the 50% level by 2pm MONDAY (Feb. 3) to earn your Basic Competency score
- DUE at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Feb. 3) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular RP 4-pt score on it.
- Extra, NON-required practice, useful for exam prep: (these are NEVER turned in - they are NOT for a grade)
- 1-2A (p.30 of text): #1, 2, 6a, 15a, 19
- 1-2B (p.32 of text): #15a, 19
- NAEP (p.34 of text): #1, 3, 4
- HW #4: #1(a)-(j), 3, and 4(a)-(p)
- Weekly Assessment #2 (WA 2) is due at the start of class next TUESDAY, Feb. 4.
- Confirmed From Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025 - Problem Solving: Carry It Out (Polya's Step 3)
- Study your notes and Activity #4 (both sides: 4-A and 4-B).
- Read/reread:
- "Singapore Math Using Unit Fractions" handout (and posted in D2L Children's Samples Content)
- Text Section 1-1: pp.4-13
- RP 3 (Polya's Step 3) is open in D2L Quizzes:
- DUE at the 50% level by 2pm Thursday (Jan. 30) to earn your Basic Competency score
- DUE at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Feb. 3) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular RP 4-pt score on it.
- Extra, NON-required practice, useful for exam prep: (these are NEVER turned in - they are NOT for a grade)
- HW #2: #1
- HW #3: all
- 1-1A (p.14): #5, 6, 9, 12
- 1-1B (p.15): #9, 14, 15, 17
- 1-1C (Connections, p.16 of text): #9
- Weekly Assessment #1 is due in class TODAY.
- Confirmed From Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025 - Problem Solving: Polya's Step 2 and Justifying Strategies
- Study your notes, Activity #2, Summary #1, and Activity #3.
- "Activities" in our course are NOT for a summative grade. They are formative, to help you learn.
- You should treat Activities as part of your notes when studying.
- Solutions to Activity #3 are on D2L in Content.
- Read for support:
- Text Section 1-1: pp.4-5 and the BRIEF descriptions (if any) of each strategy pp.6-13
- RP 2 (Required Practice) is open in D2L Quizzes:
- DUE at the 50% level by 2pm Monday (Jan. 27) to earn your Basic Competency score
- DUE at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Jan. 27) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular 4-pt RP score on it.
- Extra, NON-required practice, useful for exam prep: (these are NEVER turned in - they are NOT for a grade)
- Extra practice, especially from linked PDF files, is often open-ended and similar to some Exam and WA questions.
- HW #1: all
- 1-1C (Connections, p.16 of text): #8, 9
- Weekly Assessment #1 (WA 1) is DUE at the start of class on Tuesday, Jan. 28.
- You may work together, but DO NOT turn in identical wording, else all involved may get a 0.
- Confirmed
From Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025 - Course Intro, How/Why Explanations, Polya's Four Steps
- Study your notes and Activity #1. Answers to Activity #1 are below:
- #1: Portia is at Step 3 - Carry It Out. She is describing work that is going on - in her head, though it's still work.
- #2: Lulu is stuck at Step 1 - Understand the Problem. She doesn't know a particular vocabulary term that the problem uses.
- #3: Benny is at Step 4 - Look Back. He needs to make sure he actually answered what was asked, though, which wasn't the combined number of coins that he is telling us.
- #4: Petra is at Step 2 - Devise a Plan. She has decided to try guess-and-check when she starts her work.
- Read:
- Spring 2025 Syllabus (and bring to class next time)
- Beckmann excerpt on good math explanations (xerox; also scanned as PDF in D2L Content)
- Text pp.2-4
- Children's Four Step samples (in D2L Content)
- Watch: Josh Darnit's Exact Instructions Challenge where his kids explain how to make a PB&J sandwich.
- RP 1 (Required Practice) is open in D2L Quizzes.
- It's due at the 50% level by 2pm Thursday (Jan. 23) to earn your Basic Competency score.
- It's due at the 85% level by 11:59pm Monday (Jan. 27) if you want to earn a Mastery Bonus.
- It stays opens all semester for you to maximize your regular 4-pt RP score on it.
Dr. J. Lyn Miller, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, Slippery Rock University