The listings below are TENTATIVE as we start the semester.
Links go live AFTER we meet each day, when they'll open UP-TO-DATE content, announcements, and assignments.
............Monday............ | ...........Wednesday........... | ......Friday (HW due, NO CLASS)......
Jan. 20 - MLK Day
No SRU classes
| Jan. 22 - Logic Review
| Jan. 24: Nothing due this week
Jan. 27 - Axiomatic Systems
- HW #1 due in class
| Jan. 29 - Incidence Geometry Models
| Jan. 31: HW #2 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Feb. 3 - Incidence Models, Proofs
| Feb. 5 - Incidence Proofs
| Feb. 7: HW #3 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Feb. 10 - Parallel Postulates, Models
| Feb. 12 - Intro to Geometer's Sketchpad
-- Complete Tech Project #1 in class
and submit by email
| Feb. 14: HW #4 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Also Tech Project #1 due 4pm by email
if not finished in class Weds.
Feb. 17 - Betweenness for Points
| Feb. 19 - Exam #1 (tentative)
(Link to Topics List goes live 2-12)
| Feb. 21: Nothing due this week
(Can submit Tech Project #2 early)
Feb. 24 - Betweenness Proofs (Points)
-- Tech Project #2 due 4pm by email (tentative)
| Feb. 26 - Betweenness Proofs, Rays
| Feb. 28: HW #5 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox |
Mar. 3 - Betweenness of Rays
| Mar. 5 - Betweenness of Rays, Triangles
| Mar. 7: HW #6 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Mar. 10 - Spring Break
No SRU classes
| Mar. 12 - Spring Break
No SRU classes
| Nothing is due during Break.
Mar. 17 - Betweenness for Triangles
| Mar. 19 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Mar. 21: Tech Project #3 due by 4pm by email
Mar. 24 - Exam #2 (tentative)
(Link to Topics List goes live 3-17)
| Mar. 26 - Foundations of HS Geom.
(Exam #2 may shift to here)
| Mar. 28: HW #7 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
(shifts to Mar. 21, one week earlier,
if Exam #2 moves to Mar. 26)
Mar. 31 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Apr. 2 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Apr. 4: HW #8 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Apr. 7 - Foundations of HS Geom.
-- Tech Project #4 due 4pm by email (tentative)
| Apr. 9 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Apr. 11: HW #9 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Apr. 14 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Apr. 16 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Apr. 18: HW #10 due by 4pm
in my office or VSC mailbox
Apr. 21 - Foundations of HS Geom.
| Apr. 23 - Exam #3 (tentative)
(Link to Topics List goes live 4-16)
| Nothing due this week
(Can submit Tech Project #5 early) |
Apr. 28 - TBA (possible History projects)
-- Tech Project #5 due 4pm by email (tentative)
| Apr. 30 - TBA (possible History projects)
| Items due TBA - possible HW #11 on constructions
May 5 - Last Day of Classes - TBA
(possible History projects)
| Our Final Exam is FRIDAY, May 9.
You MUST take it at the SRU-scheduled time.
| Friday, May 9, 1-3pm:
Final Exam
(Link to Topics List goes live 4-28)