Registering for the Computer Competency Exam

First, check whether you even need the competency exam

Signing up to take the exam (visual walk through)

  1. Using a web browser, log in on D2L (login now) (more help)
  2. In the right-hand column, under My Courses, look for
    Computer Competency Transfers - 2017
    under your "pinned" classes. If it does not appear there, you may have to search for it using "View All Courses".
  3. Select this "course" and you will arrive at the home page.
  4. Select the Groups tab. (more help)
  5. Select Available Groups. (more help)
  6. Select Join Group for the session you would like to attend. Do not sign up for multiple sessions. (more help)

Once you have "joined the group", you are done. You have registered for that session.

Please note that only 30 students may sign up for each group session - first come, first served. Also, the actual test will allow 35 minutes for completion of the 60 question quiz - most students are done in less time, hence the back-to-back sessions.