UNIX Primer

Getting help in UNIX

The man command is useful to get more information about any command in UNIX. For instance, to find out more about the cp command, you would type

man cp

The apropos command can help you find commands related to some keyword. For instance

apropos copy

would list all UNIX commands related to copying (including cp). 

File and Directory Manipulation

Listing your files
ls  lists all files in your directory (like dir
ls -l  show all attributes (such as size, date created, and permissions) 
ls -a  list all files (including those that begin with .
Copying and deleting files
cp file1 file2  copies file1 into file2 
rm file  deletes file 

Directories and subdirectories

Like DOS, your Unix files may be organized into directories and subdirectories for the purpose of good organization. The syntax is roughly the same as in DOS (note, however, that UNIX uses the forward slash / instead of the backslash for subdirectories).

Creating and deleting directories
mkdir directory  creates a new subdirectory called directory 
rmdir directory  deletes that directory (but only if all files in it have been deleted). 
Changing the current directory
Like DOS, you can navigate through your directories using the cd command.
cd directory  takes you to directory (if it is a subdirectory of the current one) 
cd ..  takes you back up to the directory of which your current directory is a subdirectory 
cd  returns you to your root directory. 
Copying and directories
You can also copy and move files from one directory to another using cp. For example:
cp file directory  will make a copy of file in directory directory (as long as directory is a subdirectory of your current location). 
cp directory1/file directory2  will copy of file from directory1 into directory directory2
cp ../file1 file2  Will copy file1 from the directory below the current one, into 

Setting Permissions for Files and Directories

One of the important things to understand about a multiuser system like UNIX is that all files are stored on the same machine, and that you could (theoretically) reach anyone else's directory and files by doing cd .. enough. This makes it important to control the permissions for your files.

This is done in UNIX with the chmod command. It has the basic syntax:

chmod who op ability
where who is some combination of:
u The owner of the file (that is, you). 
g The group you belong to (not relevant now, but will be later when you work on group projects). 
o All others
where op is either:
+ Add this ability to these people. 
- Remove this ability to these people. 
where ability is some combination of:
r These people can read this file. 
w These people can write to this file. 
x These people can execute this file (or cd into it, if it is a directory). 
For example:
chmod o-r fred
means that others can no longer read the file fred.
chmod o+x barney
means that others can now enter the directory barney.