Assignment 2
CpSc 217 - Structured and Dynamic WebProgramming
Spring 2016

Due: February 5th table design due
Due: Februar 15th Working Javascript code

This assignment has stringent requirements in order for you to review/learn HTML and Javascript concepts that are required in this course. This includes table formatting, use of Javascript variables, expressions, and conditionals. Please note the Part 1 assessment sheet for the HTML portion of the assignmnet and Part 2 assessment that I will use in grading your assignment.

J.K. Rowling has made history with her series of books on Harry Potter. Children/young adults/adults are reading! In the books, wizarding money is used to purchase various items. You are to design a web page that lists the prices for these items in a table and allow users to select enough of the coins to purchase one of the items.

Details: The first table is to be formatted without interior or exterior borders and consist of the names and prices of each item:

The table must:

The second "table" is more complex. It is to consist of clickable images for each of the denominations (knut, sickle, and galleon).

Part 2:
For the first table: