Toward a Notation for Drawing and Flow


decades (1 2/5) of experiments with things that are "hard" for SVG. [1]

decades (3/5) of frustration with lack of progress in the formal specification of SVG.

decades ( of experiments with graph theory and paradoxical art (and mathematics)

Notations for things both combinatorial and graphical

Maybe we can do something bigger than SVG?

Terminology (definitions)


Strategies and Experiments (from here

Notation for tangles [26 , 27, 28 , 29 ]
Elementary paradoxes [30, 31, 32, 33, 34]
Fern-tiles [35]
Splits, joins, merges, crosses, etc. [36]

A reasonably efficient encoding of polyominoes. Presented by me in Dr. Ulam's class, Math 503 (Combinatorics), circa 1974.
Aesthetic and Practical Concerns in the  Drawing of Euler and Venn Diagrams: Case Studies using SVG. 3rd International Workshop on Euler Diagrams, July 2, 2012, Canterbury, UK. (Presentation and Examples)
[24] Euler diagrams on three sets (canonical(?) drawings and notation)